How can GOD love me?
Once we accept our experiences as true, we create a perspective and that becomes the reality we live. When someone else has a different worldview, we often get into conflict because their way of seeing the world, relationships, and their way of receiving and giving love differs from mine. This is why love tends to be a complex subject, sometimes it feels like a minefield and it is because we are all conditioned to understand love from an earthly plane, full of conditions, contracts, demands, opinions and illusions that have been sold to us about what it truly means to love and be loved.
We usually reject a world that is incompatible with our perspective and that leads us to see God's love as a love full of those same limitations and obstacles. We tend to project our reality into God's reality. That is why we often find ourselves incapable of loving God or allowing ourselves to be loved by Him, because we condition His love to my reality. However, the reality of God's love is sustained independently of the thousands of perspectives that we may have built throughout our lives.
His word says that His love is patient, kind, not proud, envious, selfish, angry or resentful… No matter what situation we are living, if we have strayed, if we have doubts, guilt, shame; the love of God remains constant, pure, unmovable, real. Ready to receive you, embrace you, give you without measure, without conditions. There is nothing in the world that exists and is strong enough to separate you from the love for which you were created. 38 For I am sure that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, 39 nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Rom8:38-39
Maybe you have failed, you think you are not enough, whatever your reason for limiting God's love, it is important that you understand that your perspective of something ends up being just that, your perspective. If you want to experience the fullness of His love, you have to be open to letting go of old ideas and perspectives, to be flexible and leave my reality for God's truth. And if you ask yourself, what does all this have to do with my initial question?
It's easy, God created you out of love, to live in a community that conceives of nothing but love; but within his plan he always gave us the freedom to choose him back. True love is given and received freely, true love lets you make your own decisions, even if the consequences of it separate us.
God is not going to force you out of your hiding places, but He still loves you enough to not abandon you in any of your decisions , waiting for the day when you choose to love Him back. In the meantime, that is His promise: NOTHING will separate you from His love. Remember; true love stands independently of our knowledge, our perspective, and our reality. You just have to give Him the opportunity to show you who He is.